CSI Fort Worth Board Members 2025-2026


President: Tania Lecona, CSI
President Elect:                                        
Secretary: Marissa Clinesmith, RA, NCARB, LEED Green Assoc., CSI-CDT
Treasurer: Joyce Williams, AIA, CSI, NCARB
Immediate Past President: Jared Waller, CSI, RCDD


Education: Dale Simpson, CSI, CDT
Certification: Open
Newsletter Editor: Matt Stevens, AAIA, CSI, CCPR, CDT, REWO
Advertising & Sponsorship Sales: Shane Long, CSI
Awards: Russell Long, CSI, CCPR
Membership: Jered Waller RCDD, CSI
Liaison and Webmaster: Raritha Joshy, CSI

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